Charlie B [] created the 

"User Task Group Assignment"

To view the discussion, visit:

I have a set of Uer Tasks in my workflow. 
Now with each task, only a specific GROUP of users should be able to execute 
and complete that task.
Before assigning a task to a user, I need to determine if they are part of the 
authorized group.

How can I achieve this in JBPM5?

How can I determine which Group(s) is authorised to claim and complete a User 

I am currently using the ActorId attribute to store the username of user who 
the task will be assigned to? Can I use this in conjuction with the GroupId 
attribute to specify that any user that this task is assigned to MUST be part 
of this Group? Is that how that attribute is used?

Also, is there a way to retrieve the GroupId through API to dynamically render 
user lists when a task needs to be assigned to a user from the authorised group?

Charlie B

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