Sorry I didn't get back to you in time. My solution is a bit simpler than yours 
since my wrapper doesn't act as a FacesContext since I figured that no one else 
would query the FacesContext from this particular attribute. But of course your 
solution is much better.
I am no a bid further since I now want my MyFaces app to be really clustered. I 
think that my sessions are replicated but when I switch from one cluster 
instance to another I get a ClassCastException 
( Right now it looks as if I 
have troubles with the fact that my two cluster portal instances share the same 
database since the my Portlet apperantly doesn't initialize on the portal that 
is the last one to start (I get error from portlet registry saying that the 
portlet app is already registered).
Have you succeded in getting a MyFaces based portlet running in a cluster (and 
be really clustered)?

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