Dev S [] created the discussion

"Re: How to get taskId defined in BPMN file"

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I want to keep some mapping between web pages to be shown and corresponding id 
defined in BPMN file. I want to show a different web page for user to feed in 
data based on what human task is pending. Once I define this mapping, I can get 
HTML page to be shown based on the id of the pending human task. ID defined in 
BPMN file is the only task ID I have. Other long IDs that are generated by jBPM 
engine can't be used for this mapping, as I don't know what's the algorithm for 
generating those IDs. And I didn't really get your logic of why application 
with blow up. IDs are defined manually by a developer who writes the BPMN file, 
why will it change while adding other nodes?

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