jnorris [https://community.jboss.org/people/jnorris] created the discussion

"Re: jBPM 5.3 jbpm-console problem"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/739334#739334

There should only be the one hornetq service running unless shutting down jboss 
doesn't shut down hornetq.  I shutdown jboss again using ant stop.jboss and saw 
that the java process did not stop so I killed it.  Started jboss using ant 
start.jboss, opened the drools-guvnor app, opened the jbpm-console app and 
observed in the log file that hornetq was started and also that the 
MVELDialectRuntimeData error still occurs which looks like it is causing the 
KnowledgeAgent exception while trying to deserialize 
KnowledgeDefinitionsPackage error.  Attached again is the server log after 
logging into the jbpm-console app.

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