Rob Stryker [] created the 

"Re: Incremental publish of Dynamic Web Project problem"

To view the discussion, visit:

> Project_1 (in the deployment assembly tab it has dependencies jar1.jar and 
> jar2.jar)

The language here is unclear. It sounds like you're saying if you right-click 
Project1, and go to project1's deployment assembly tab, you are putting the 
dependency to jar1 and jar2 there. If that's the case, then you are "doing it 
wrong" (heh).  By going to project1's deployment assembly tab and making sure 
jar1 and jar2 are listed, this is telling the tools to make sure jar1 and jar2 
live INSIDE project1.jar.  

The structure I just tried is as follows:
1) create 6 java projects (lib1-lib6)
2) Create 2 utility projects (project1, project2)
3) Create 1 web project (DynWeb)
4) right click project1, go to deployment assembly, add lib1 and lib2 projects
5) right click project2, go to deployment assembly, add lib3 and lib4 projects
6) right click DynWeb, go to deployment assembly, add lib5 and lib6 projects, 
then add project1 and project2 projects
7) Deploy to deploy-only server (or jboss-as server, same result)

In the end, this structure ends up with a layout like this:

If you then unzip project1.jar and project2.jar, you will find hte missing 
lib1-lib4 jars.  They live inside project1 and project2 jars. This seems to be 
working as intended. 

It'd be great if you could send over a zip with some very simple mostly-empty 
example projects (just throw one class in each I guess...) so that I can fully 
understand the structure. Then we can discover pretty quickly if this is a user 
error or a bug in the toolset.  :)

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