srikant vege [] created the 

"Need help on JBPM workflow Timer event problem with session dispose."

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Please somebody can help me on resolving the below problem. I am using JBPM 5.2 
with Tomcat 6.

I have to model a JBPM workflow and below are the requirements.

1. Workflow should wait for N days to complete (the value of N can be set 
dynamically using process variable). 
2. This workflow should have a signal event and this signal event can be called 
multiple times within that N days time.
3. Once the time period is reach, process should be completed.

I tried this by using timer event (Please see the below diagram). In this 
diagram, once the process is started, I am triggering the timer siganl from 
"Signal for timer event" script node. This signal will trigger the timer event.

In my code I am disposing the session for every step. My problem is, timer is 
getting expired when I dispose the session. I can't keep the session active for 
long days.

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