Maciej Swiderski [] created the discussion
"Re: Timer BoundaryEvent and User Tasks" To view the discussion, visit: -------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, from 5.3 boundary events are supported on tasks. Looking at your process it seems like there is not timer definition given: <boundaryEvent id="boundaryEvent_1" name="Boundary event" attachedToRef="userTask_1"> <outgoing>sequenceFlow_4</outgoing> <timerEventDefinition id="timerEventDefinition_1"/> </boundaryEvent> and it should look like this: <boundaryEvent id="_4" name="TimerEvent" attachedToRef="_2" > <timerEventDefinition> <timeCycle xsi:type="tFormalExpression">500ms</timeCycle> </timerEventDefinition> </boundaryEvent> once you'll fix the process definition you'll be able to execute boundary events on a task. HTH -------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to this message by going to Community [] Start a new discussion in jBPM at Community [!input.jspa?contentType=1&containerType=14&container=2034]
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