Ron Sigal [] created the discussion

"Re: Is there a way to avoid a proxy server closing Jboss HTTPS connection on 
long requests?"

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Hi Karen,

Unfortunately, I don't know of any obvious way to solve your problem.   If we 
were talking about a pure Remoting application (i.e., direct use of Remoting, 
rather than indirect use by way of EJBs), I would think of some kind of 
asynchronous architecture.  I.e., you make the invocation and get a URL back 
pointing to the eventual result.  Now, if you want to get crazy, you could wrap 
the EJB3 invocation handler, 
org.jboss.aspects.remoting.AOPRemotingInvocationHandler (see the configuration 
file $JBOSS_HOME/server/$CONFIG/deploy/ejb3-connections-jboss-beans.xml), in 
your own handler which caches results and returns a URL.  Then, when it sees 
the URL, it returns the result, or an indication that the result isn't ready 
yet.  It sounds like fun, kinda.

The latest version, Remoting 3, is a completely different code base that I 
don't know much about.

Sorry I couldn't help.


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