Marcel Stör [] created the 

"Hibernate tools for Hibernate 4.x"

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What's the status of Hibernate tools for Hibernate 4.x?

h5. Problem
After upgrading to Hibernate 4.x the hibernate3-maven-plugin 3.0 failed. It 
uses hibernate-tools 3.2.4.GA internally. I could work around the issues by 
adding an explicit dependency to Hibernate 3.6 like so


This, however, has negative side-effects because new Hibernate 4 features are 
not present while running hbm2ddl.
Thanks to the new data type auto-registration in Hibernate 4 (put to work by 
Usertype for Joda Time data types) we were able to remove all @Type(type = 
"org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime") annotations from our 
entities. Now while running hbm2ddl in Maven "works" the generated schema 
doesn't contain proper data type declarations because Hibernate 3.6 doesn't 
know about Joda Time.

h5. Hibernate tools on Github
I saw that there's some action on How likely is it that building 
the latest 4.0.0 SNAPSHOT from there myself will fix the above mentioned issues?


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