darren hartford [https://community.jboss.org/people/dhartford] created the 

"jbpm designer/Jboss Studio Editor conflict info"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/752900#752900

For anyone who is trying to use both the JBPM web designer (2.3) and the 
Eclipse editor (Jboss Developer Studio 5.0.1.GA w/ drools/jbpm 5.3.3.final 
extension) with Guvnor (which, the eclipse integration with Guvnor within Jboss 
Developer Studio is GREAT, thank you!):

Errors I've encountered from generating a BPMN workflow in Designer, stored in 
Guvnor, then pulled into Eclipse, and resolutions (as known).  The errors were 
from Eclipse when trying to use the Eclipse BPMN2 tool on a BPMN file generated 
from Designer (where designer did not check/protect against certain issues 
yet), and failing 'RuleFlow XML' validations:

  * "more than one incoming connection error" (i.e. merge with a gateway your 
sequence arrows, instead of directly to a task (BPMN says a task should only 
have one incoming arrow):  https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPM-3372 

  * "Exception when type empty in Convering Gateway" (BPMN says use 
exclusiveGateway to merge):  https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-2879 

  * "Invalid bounds for node" - 
      * likely a task or node in a swimlane that isn't "all" in the swimlane 
(make sure fully wrapped).
      * a swimlane or other node that is 'outside the margins' (usually too-far 
to the left)

  * "Unable to build expression for 'constraint' null"
      * Run Validate button within Oryx/Guvnor, likely quite a few are not 
validating, correct those first.
      * In Guvnor, if start point has 'could not find process image', just 
click the 'PNG' button to create the image. source:  
      * XOR gateways that are missing definition.
        * To add constraints to XOR gateways in Eclipse, click on the XOR 
gateway, Properties tab, 'Constraints' field. Need more details/examples.
        * To add constraints to XOR gateways in the JBPM web designer, click on 
the decision-based sequence flow (arrow/line), to add Condition Expression 
directly to each flow item. Need more details/examples.

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