suprit chaudhary [] created 
the discussion

"Re: Restore JBPM session"

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Hi new bee,

JBPM do not provide automatic restore of process and session on server restart 
You have write your own management code for this service.
You will need to read process id of pending complete workItem and restart the 
process yourself.
Never process can only be started once. If process was in progress when server 
restarted then you can not start process again.
Yo can find out the last workItem and complete it by this code
*ksession.getWorkItemManager().completeWorkItem(workItemId, null);*
Once the workItem is complete the flow will process to next workItem.

Study this to restore session:

 StatefulKnowledgeSession org.drools.persistence.jpa. 
 JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession(int id,  
 KnowledgeBase kbase,  
 KnowledgeSessionConfiguration configuration,  
 Environment environment)

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