ravichandrankg [https://community.jboss.org/people/ravichandrankg] created the 

"Re: Signal Event is not happening in persisted process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/753436#753436

Hi Maciej,

I have tested with persisted test case sample. it doesn't moving to the next 
task, after signalling after reloading the session. But it is working fine with 
the same session(with out reloading)...  :( .

I am trying the reload of session as below.

+     ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession(ksessionId, 
kbase, null, env);+

Is anyone tested the signalling after reload of session? Can you provide the 
solution for this...


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