david_b [https://community.jboss.org/people/david_b] created the discussion

"Asynchronous EJB calls dropped with StrictMaxPool"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/763780#763780


I have an interesting problem with dropped asynchronous EJB calls on AS 

We recently encountered the issue where Stateless Session Beans are not cleaned 
up. We implemented the recommended work around and moved from ThreadLocalPool 
to StrictMaxPool, with a StrictMaxPool size of 50. This has resolved the memory 
leak, however it's introduced a new problem.

Our application periodically scans a directory and calls a Stateless processing 
bean for all the files present. The method on the processing bean is 
@Asynchronous, so it returns immediately, and there can be 1000s of files in 
the directory when the scan occurs. Under these conditions all 50 instances of 
the processing bean will be utilised and subsequent calls queued until an 
instance becomes available. It appears that the queue size is only 500, after 
which calls to the processing bean are dropped.

I have written two simple beans to illustrate the problem - a Singleton bean 
with a scheduled method and a Stateless Session Bean with an asynchronous 
method. The scheduled bean calls the asynchronous method 1000 times, of which 
~550 calls succeed, with the remaining ~450 dropped.

The Singleton scheduled bean:

public class ScheduledBean
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ScheduledBean.class);
    ProcessingBeanInterface processingBean;
    @Schedule(second="0", minute="*", hour="*", persistent=false)
    public void run()
        for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
            logger.info("Running processing bean, id: " + i);

The Stateless processing bean:

public class ProcessingBean implements ProcessingBeanInterface
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProcessingBean.class);
    public void doWork(int id)
        logger.info("Doing work, id: " + id);
        catch (InterruptedException e)

Is this queue size configurable, or can we configure the AS to not drop EJB 

If it's not possible to configure the queue for this type of usage then I'll 
look at modifying our scheduled bean to initiate the processing in batches.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


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