Viacheslav Kabanovich [] created 
the discussion

"Re: Problems removing CDI support from project"

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Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it very much. It is true that 
performance of JBoss CDI tool on large projects is a critical factor. For now, 
we randomly generate large projects and look for narrow places (slow code, 
memory leaks) to improve. But performance on a random project and a real 
project may differ a lot. So, could you please provide us with a bit more 
performance figures for the latest devstudio. 

1) Clean/build the project. Please watch the progress view as it displays task 
names (a) Compiling, (b) CDI Builder, (c) CDI Validator, (d) EL Validator and 
approximately mesure time spent on each.
For a random project with 3000 source files and 15M of code it takes on my 
(a) Compiling - 5 sec
(b) CDI Builder - 5 sec
(c) CDI Validator - 1 min
(d) EL Validator - 1 min

2) Incremental build -  modify and save a source file. Again, please watch the 
progress view.
For the mentioned random project:
(a) Compiling - 0 sec
(b) CDI Builder - 0 sec
(c) CDI Validator - 20 sec (generated injections and class hierarchy make 
almost any two classes dependent on each other, and change in one requires to 
revalidate all others)
(d) EL Validator - 3 sec

3) Restart Eclipse, open a source with an injection point, and invoke open-ons 
with Ctrl+mouse left button at @Inject. At the first time, progress information 
window appears "Build CDI Model" - for 5 sec for the mentioned random project.

Also, could you please estimate how many injection points and producers are in 
your project. 
Has you project got many page files with EL?

Thank you.

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