Maciej Swiderski [] created 
the discussion

"Re: Process Session ID always 0 in database"

To view the discussion, visit:

there are two issue with the code you use:
1. you create session that is not persisted and thus process instances are not 
persisted either and if you create session for every process instance this is 
probably the reason of having process instance id 0
2. when using HornetQ task client and connecting clients in parallel meaning 
more than one at the same time (that does not have to mean they will be active 
at the same time but rather they are connected) you need to ensue that each 
client is uniquely identified

so for issue 1 you should use JPAKnowledgeService to create/load session and 
that will ensure you processes are stored in db too. for issue 2 you use pass 
unique name each time you create AsynHornetQHTWorkItemHandler.


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