Nick Boldt [] modified the document:

"Tagging/branching of JBoss Tools Core subcomponents"

To view the document, visit:

Our recent move to git caused some confusion on how we tag/branch components in 
JBoss Tools core components.

h1. Current Tag/Branching strategy

To avoid future confusion here are the short version of the current approach:

1. Each component has its own version in* This 
can be set quickly using mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven 
org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=1.2.3-SNAPSHOT

2. The git repositories should use tag/branches based on jbosstools version:* 
Branches: jbosstools-<version>*x* ("x" used to differentiate a branch from a 
*Tags:            jbosstools-<version> (no "x" suffix)

3. In Jira use the jbosstools version for reporting/targeting issues.

The advantage of the above is that git & jira use the same version. i.e. with a 
unified tag like "jbosstools-4.1.0.Alpha1" you can find which version is used 
of a specific component for a specific jboss tools release easily.

This means from git you always know which branch/tag to checkout for a 
component to get matching version to a specific jboss tools core build/release. 

With Jira we would need to introduce a project for each individual component 
since Jira does not support version per components and thus jira queries for 
knowing current status of JBIDE suddenly gets very complex.

Discussion about improvements/future tagging can be found

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