gonzalad [https://community.jboss.org/people/gonzalad] created the discussion

"Re: jBPM 5.4 : forwarding task PermissionDeniedException when user is 
actualOwner but not in potential owners"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/798355#798355

For now, I'm adding actualOwner to potentialOwner as a temporary solution just 
before calling forward.

// add actualOwner to potentialOwners
Task task = taskService.getTask(taskId);
org.jbpm.task.User actualOwner = task.getTaskData().getActualOwner();
if (actualOwner != null) {
  PeopleAssignments peopleAssignments = task.getPeopleAssignments();
  if (! peopleAssignments.getPotentialOwners().contains(actualOwner)) {
taskService.forward(taskSummary.getId(), username, targetGroupname);

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