Todd Trimmer [] created the 

"JMX Console (eclipse-jmx) cannot connect to JBoss 7.1.1 (Brontes)"

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How do I configure the JMX Console plugin (eclipse-jmx from JBoss Tools) to add 
the JARs it needs to connect to JBoss7.1.1 with a 
service:jmx:remoting-jmx://host:9999 URL? Without the JARs for the JCA 
connector to tell it how to interpret the "remoting-jmx" protocol, it won't 
connect. It would need the JARs added by $JBOSS_HOME/bin/, but I 
don't know how to modify an Eclipse plugin's "classpath" in Juno.

Is there a way for the Create JMX Connection dialog to have a different type 
other than Default JMX Connection?

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