Shobhit Tyagi [] created the 

"Re: Problems with Local Task Service"

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I am checking the status in the database. I cant share the proc def right now 
but wll do that 1st thing in the morning.
I was absolutely fine with jbpm5 when i used it with Servlets and JSPs etc. Now 
that I moved to EJBs, I have started facing issues.
I am a little confused with the way we are supposed to use KnowledgeSessions 
and KnowledgeBases. I use the same knowledge base and create a new session 
whenever I need it. This worked pretty well with servlets and since creating a 
KnowledgeSession is not a heavy job, as per the User Guide, I dont mind having 
many sessions. But with EJBs, things seem a lot different. May be coz of the 
fact that my technology stack is EJB and Websphere, and the transaction is 
supposed to be Container Managed.

Confusion with session, kbases, whether or not to disconnect the task handlers, 
whether or not to disconnect the TaskClients, disposing the DBlogger.

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