jaikiran pai [https://community.jboss.org/people/jaikiran] created the 

"Re: Use plain @EJB for remote EJB lookup?"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/820573#820573

> Mikal Henriksen wrote:
> I've done some more research, and I guess what it boils down to is that the 
> client needs to know that name (whether default or custom); the interface 
> alone plus the connection to the server is not enough to lookup and connect 
> to the remote implementation. 
Of course it has to know the name of the bean it is trying to communicate with. 
A remote interface can be implemented by multiple beans. So it's upto the 
client to tell the server which bean it is interested in communicating with.
> Mikal Henriksen wrote:
> Are there other approaches I can use to streamline this? Is this something 
> domain deployment would help with?
Why are you trying to avoid the bean name usage?

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