Viktor Alexandrov [] created the 

"jBPM noob questions"

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Hello, all. I got some noob (maybe) questions concerning implementing existing 
scenarios in jBPM. I got some proprietary workflow manager runtime (running on 
AS7) and tooling to define workflows via graphical editor. The workflows are 
rather simple and consist of nodes (with in/out parameters) and arrows pointing 
to the next node (or nodes if current node makes some decisions). Every node is 
a simple java class that allows to perform some operation: math operations, 
database lookups/stores, invoke HTTP GET's, log, start another workflows, some 
proprietary actions and so on.

Now I want to migrate existing service logic to jBPM (actually may be to 
SwitchYard with jBPM as process orchestrator). Beacause of almost no knowledge 
in "perfect" BPMN I'm afraid of making wrong architectural decisions  :) 
I would be very glad if someone could propose me the right solutions or just 
post some links to the right places to read!

My simple process looks like this:

1. Log some input vars
2. Prepare (map) some additional parameters
3. Query some application properties (config)
4. Query DB with request based on prepared data
5. Modify data (e.g. update modification time)
6. Update data in DB
7. Invoke some sub-process
8. Execute some action through, for example, HTTP or other (proprietary) 
9. If everything ok, commit data in DB, else rollback and write log
10. Map some paramerers for output
11. Finish

I cannot understand clearly how this should be implemented using jBPM tools. As 
I could imagine, logging and parameter mapping and runtime bean fileds updating 
could be performed via Script Node with java expressions, but may be I should 
use some other tools for it? I cannot find how do I query DB, update DB: is it 
only done through custom Service Node? Is there a possibility (examples) to use 
ORM for domain-specific data model? How could I invoke sub-process with, for 
example, process name and parameters derived in run-time? If someone could 
supply any more or less complex examples of jBPM usage: with custom data model 
or custom services invocations, it would be very appreciated.

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