
I have the same problem with jboss 4.0.4.GA and EJB3.

When I redeploy my ejb, I get:
javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong target...
when invoking any method with instances of my own classes as parameters. A 
restart of the server fixes the problem.

I have an EJB3 with an EJB2.1 compatible remote homeinterface (using the 
@RemoteHome(MyBeanHome.class) annotation). I have tried several ways to access 
the ejb: Through an AXIS 1.4 webservice as front, a small javaclient and using 
JBossWS as front. The strange thing is that all attempts fail except invoking 
it through the JBossWS webservice. Even after a redeploy, when all fail using 
the javaclient and through axis, I can still invoke all methods through JBossWS.

After I restart the server, everything works perfectly.

My Bean:

  | @WebService(
  |             name="TestService",
  |             serviceName="TestServiceService",
  |             targetNamespace="http://test.myhome.org/testservice";)
  | @SOAPBinding(
  |             style=Style.DOCUMENT,
  |             use=Use.LITERAL,
  |             parameterStyle=ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
  | @Stateless(name="TestService")
  | @Remote
  | @RemoteHome(TestServiceHome.class)
  | @RemoteBinding(jndiBinding = "ejb/TestService")
  | public class TestServiceSessionBean implements TestService {
  |     @WebMethod
  |     public MyResponse myMethod(MyParameters params) {
  |     }
  | }

I have tried different versions of EJB3 with no luck (RC7 & RC9).


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