
Actually, I have run the two servers named node1 and node2 with Apache modjk 
load balancer by keeping node1 as the main node and it only bound the 
queue/order and queue/mail. 

I have did the below modification in both the server machines node1 as well as 

I have copied the jndi.properties file from <JBOSS_HOME>/server/node1/conf/ 
path and copied to <JBOSS_HOME>/server/node1/lib/ path and with the following 
  | java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces
  | java.naming.provider.url=<node1-ipaddress>:1100, <node2-ip address.:1100

And, the lookup of queue is taken place in the application as follows. 

In the file, 

 ic = new InitialContext(  );
  |             Queue queue = ( Queue ) ic.lookup( queueName );
  |             QueueConnectionFactory factory = ( QueueConnectionFactory ) 
ic.lookup( JNDINames.QUEUE_C
  |             cnn     = factory.createQueueConnection(  );

While running the application, 
 all the transaction is done by node1 till clicking the Submit button for 
sending mail to user. When I hit the submit button, the transaction goes to the 
second node node2 in which the queue is not bound. 

1. While two server is running, the sending of mail is not done and error comes 
as shown my post above. 
2. If any of one node is down, its automatically bound the queue and running 
the petstore application successfully. 

My problem is, the application should run successfully when all the nodes in 
the cluster are active. 

Please help me.

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