1. I cannot now reproduce this... (I feel silly)

2. Ok, On Firefox nothing happens with the close, IE7 comes up with a question 
asking if I want to close the window, which I agree to and then it doesn't 
close it. (Go Figure...). I guess my javascript must be wrong.
Both come up with the before and after alerts.

  |                             <td class="rightTop" width="25%">
  |                                     <form>
  |                                             <table class="rightTop" 
border="0" width="100%">
  |                                                     <tr>
  |                                                             <td 
  |                                                                     <label>
  |                                                                     </label>
  |                                                                     John Doe
  |                                                             </td>
  |                                                     </tr>
  |                                                     <tr>
  |                                                             <td 
  |                                                                     <input 
type="button" value="Logout" 
onclick="javascript:alert('before');window.close();alert('after');" />
  |                                                             </td>
  |                                                     </tr>
  |                                             </table>
  |                                     </form>
  |                             </td>

3. Humm.. Outside of the \<h:form\> If I have a command button then it wont let 
me have it outide the form; if I use a html input type of button then it can't 
figure out the bean reference for the action... 

  | <h:commandButton type="submit" value="Back" 
Please advise....
I just don't want to do a browser - back button trigger.. I want to clean up 

5. Hope some nice ones appear as you suggest they will. Tree is very useful! 
roll on Trinidad.

6. I will look this up.

I will of course upgrade to 1.1.0.Beta2... I would be on Beta1 but I never got 
the examples to work wheras 1.0.1 did :/
Now I know more and may be able to solve more problems if it didn't work out of 
the box.

Thanks to you and Michael Yuan for helpful and prompt replies.

I have booking example broken into xxx.ear, xxx.jar and xxx.war J2EE 
inter-related projects working well in MyEclipse and with most of the addons of 
MyEclipse working well. Deploy through the JBoss MyEclipse Plugin works 
beatufilly as an exploded archive.

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