1. What was the reason for moving jndi.properties file from "conf" to "lib" 
2. Is node1 and node2 joined in JBoss Cluster or they are just two independent 
nodes under RoundRobin controll of mod_jk? Seem to me you do not have JBoss 
Cluster estalished and node1 and node2 are independent nodes where only node1 
running JBossMQ. Is that correct?
3. Node1 and node2 derived from "all" configuration or "default"?

With default JBoss behavior when running in the cluster you wouldn't even have 
to specify provider url, since JGroups auto-discovery is enabled by default and 
your "Master" (the one that running JBossMQ singleton) node would be discovered 
before NameNotFound exception is thrown. 

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