   I have a newbie question regarding files and contexts paths.

I have a CSV file packed in an EAR file which contains a WAR file. The WAR 
files contains a XHTML files and a CSV file along with other folders such as 
WEB-INF, META-INF, Style ...etc.

Via a Managed bean i am trying to read the CSV file using the "OpenCSV" libray. 

  | public void readCSV() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
  |     log.debug("enter_readCSV");
  |     path="user.csv";
  |     CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(path));
  |     String [] nextLine;
  |       while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {
  |               User tempUser = new User();
  |               tempUser.setDisplayName(nextLine[0]);
  |               tempUser.setUserName(nextLine[1]);
  |               importUserList.add(tempUser);
  |      }
  |     }       

However, though the code works in Eclipse, it fails in JBoss with the following 
error msg:

  | Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: jbosscsv.csv (The system cannot 
find the path specified)

I then changed the code to retrieve the file relative from the local context

  | public void readCSV() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
  |     log.debug("enter_readCSV");
  |     String path = 
  |     path+="/user.csv";
  |     CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(path));
  |     String [] nextLine;
  |       while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {
  |               User tempUser = new User();
  |               tempUser.setDisplayName(nextLine[0]);
  |               tempUser.setUserName(nextLine[1]);
  |               importUserList.add(tempUser);
  |      }
  |     }       

Still the same error msg is displayed as follows:

  | Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: \enforcement\jbosscsv.csv (The 
system cannot find the path specified)

Any idea what could be wrong ??


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