Let me give you a short example to put the above said into a meanigfull 

Lets says I have a database table, which stores customers all of which I would 
like to list row by row in a JSF table, which is contained inside a single JSP 
page. Each row also contains action links which represent actions that can be 
performed on a customer, like edit, delelete, display and "add another address".

For the JSP page I only need a reference to a DataModel.

The reference to the instance of the DataModel should be obtained from a 
"context variable", which references an "instance" of a class, which implements 
DataModel and is kept in one of the 5 seam contexts. 

If I name the jsp page "displayCustomers.jsp" and call it via a GET request, 
then I run into the fact, that the context variable is not accessible, because 
no seam component get's referenced in a MVC pull fashion from the page. 

That's what I meant by saying ".jsp pages, which do not contain any value or 
method binding".

Because no calls to a seam component have been made from the jsp page, the no 
context variable for the DataModel has not been set. 

I could use a Page Action, to achievie this so that it calls some method on a 
seam component that sets the context variable and loads the clients from the 
database before the .jsp file gets rendered like this:

@DataModel @Out
List clients;

But I find that cumbersome, because I have so many pages which list entities 
the same fashion.

And using "pull-MVC" defeats the purpose of the @DataModel, because the idea of 
using it is not having to use "pull-MVC". I mean if I use something like:

 <h:dataTable value="#{seamcomponent.loadClientsViaPullMVC}" var="c" 

Then I don't need a @DataModel inside "seamcomponent" anymore. I also noticed, 
that it is not possible to use @DataModelSelection in a seam component, which 
does not also contain the @DataModel annotation.

That I find also strange, because I can think of many use cases in which you 
would want another seam component to retrieve the selected Customer to perform 
some actions on him.

For example, if I had a "action link" add address, then in the AddAdressAction 
I would want to place a @DataModelSelection to get the selected Customer from. 
If I do this currently, then I won't be able to easily retrieve the customer. I 
have to put "AddAddressAction.add()" method into the Seam Bean, which has the 
DataModel, where it does not belong and increases component dependancy.

I hope in this light my last post makes more sense?!

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