I ran the Jem installer as you suggested to re-install JBoss-4.0.5.GA. During 
the installation I chose the ejb3Deployer version but on the packages page I 
did not find any jmx-security but did find jmx-core (you can not check or 
uncheck-disabled), jmx-console (I unchecked) and jmx-service-invoker (I 
unchecked). Then I proceeded to the security login page were I used the default 
HSQLDB removed the jmx-console from the managed security box but it still 
wanted a password so I had to enter one. After all was said and done I still 
have the same exact problem. Is there some way to manually exclude the invoker 
or MBean that is being used for this? Is there some way to configure the MBean 
so that the default username and password will work? Thanks for you time with 
this I dont understand why I am the only with this problem or am I just 
breaking into a new realm that no one has tried yet.

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