anonymous wrote : The tree classloader issue is not resolved with ICEfaces 
1.5.1, but it may be more of a configuration problem than an integration 
problem between Seam and ICEfaces.
  | Fundamentally the problem appears to arise because the EJBs and the web 
application are loaded by different classloaders. If an EJB returns and 
ICEfaces-specific type, it may have the same class name, but will be a 
different class than ICEfaces expects (as running in the web application).
  | So, is it generally a bad idea to return anything but primitive types from 
EJBs? Is there a simple way to configure the .ear so that the ClassLoaders are 
common? Should icefaces be split into icefaces-api.jar and icefaces-impl.jar? 
(In other words, we're looking for suggestions on how to best resolve this.) 

There are probably various ways to solve this problem, presumably you can do it 
by attaching more jars to the EAR classloader. (Obviously the 
JBossWebClassLoader was another solution.) I think the problem was really that 
I moved icefaces to the EAR classloader, but not facelets, and you were trying 
to load facelets from ICEfaces. Might have worked by moving facelets to the EAR 
classloader as well. I'm not an expert on this stuff. Anyway, its nonurgent, I 
just moved icefaces back to the WAR classloader.

You are definitely allowed to return non-primitive types from EJBs. 

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