
I am also getting the cast exception.  I was able to create a regular JSF 
managed bean and bind/cast to it just fine however, binding to a Seam component 
caused the cast exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
I can only speculate at this point, but I assume it's something to do with AOP 
mechanisms changing something about the class during the binding process.  
Generally in Seam one would be injecting classes based on interfaces or entity 
beans rather than 'raw' object instance.  I would appreciate it if someone 
could explain what's going on here or direct me to some further reading.

The reason I was binding the table to the Seam component was to get a handle on 
the component before render response so that I could initialise row selection 
for the <tr:table ... rowSelection="single"> mode.  This requires direct access 
to the component instance after it has been bound to its data. From what I can 
tell, my efforts were in vein due to the life cycle of Facelets:

* facelets build process starts, binding to my seam component occurs;
* getter is called for the component;
* data model factory is called;

Basically, the last possible hook into this process (that I could find) was 
with the getter for the component or even the data model factory (yuk!).  Since 
the actual data model binding occurs after this, there is nothing that I can 
use to set the selected row keys.

As a general comment, I have been able to do this sort of processing easily 
under the Java Studio Creator 2 application model using the prerender() method 
on my backing beans.  This is essentially a hook invoked during the 
BEFORE_RENDER_RESPONSE phase.  With this in mind, I tried experimenting with 
Seam "org.jboss.seam.beforePhase" event but this is fired before facelets even 
starts building its tree. I understand that the JSC2 approach and the facelets 
approach are very different, but it does seem odd that there is no way to get 
at the underlying JSF components before they are rendered. I assume that 
facelets tree is built during this phase? Or perhaps (probably) I'm missing 
something, but I have searched for the best part of a day on this and not come 
across anything.


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