I'm using EJB3 stateless beans and entities defined in the persistence API with 
Hibernate validation annotations, all running in the same instance of JBoss 
4.0.5 in the same EAR file.

I have a stateless EJB with an injected EntityManager instance variable. 
Methods in this bean use this entityManager to persist entity objects. I'm 
running a remote debugger on JBoss and I stepping on the 
entityManager.persist(...) commands inside the stateless bean implementation. 
At the same time I'm querying the DB (MySQL). I see that right after each 
persist invocation, the table includes another row, meaning JBoss is committing 
the transaction right after the persist, and not in the end of this method 

I also tried throwing an exception from the bean between 2 persist commands, 
and I actually see that the DB contains only one row (representing the first 

This is strange, since as far as I understand, the entire invocation should be  
atomic. Have I misunderstood something...?

I tried marking the entire EJB with 
@TransactionManagement(TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER) and marking the 
method with several @TransactionAttributes (REQUIRED, REQUIRES_NEW).

A bit about the architecture of my application:
I have a servlet getting a reference from the JNDI to the stateless bean, which 
in turn uses an injected entity manager to persist the just-created entities.

A bit about the structure of my application:
The servlet is in a WAR, the stateless bean is in another JAR, and the entities 
are in a third archive (JAR).
The persistence.xml file is in the same JAR with the stateless bean, and it 
defines the persistence unit in the following manner:
<persistence-unit name="mycontext">
which means that I'm injecting this persistence unit to the EJB in the 
following manner:
@PersistenceContext(name = "mycontext") private EntityManager entityManager;
I'm getting the reference to that EJB from the servlet in the following manner:
(AuthenticationLocal.LocalJndiName is actually defined in AuthenticationLocal 
the following way:
public static final String LocalJndiName = EAR_FILE_NAME + "/" + 
AuthenticationBean.class.getSimpleName() + "/local";

Amit Kasher

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