
I appreciate your response, though I think "hacky" was a bit strong... :)  I 
merely thought that a jndi-name attribute could serve as a shorthand for the 
JNDIBinding annotation that you mentioned.  It is very similar to the 
<attribute name="JNDIName"...> element that one can nest under MBean tags.  Is 
that considered "hacky" as well?

Having a shorthand or "easier" way of doing configuration is not unprecedented 
in JBoss.  For example, people used to have to write mbean *-service.xml files 
to set up datasources in AS.  Now they just have to write a *-ds.xml file, 
which is a simpler syntax, although under the hood it just gets trasnformed.  
(Or at least that's how it used to be implemented...)

Last, your repsponse addressed putting the POJO in JNDI.  I didn't see what the 
recommended approach is to expose the POJO as a JMX MBean.  Is there an 
<annotation ..> for that is well?

Thank you.

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