
   I'm new to JBoss.  I have recently generated WebService Java Inteface 
proxies using Axis 1.4.   I was able to code a Java client (JSP) on top of it 
and run it on Tomcat 5.0 smoothly,  simply by placing the appropriate axis 
libraries under \lib 

I assumed a similiar process would apply to JBoss4.0  but I encountered some 
challenges.  It seems that JBoss 4.0 has its own version of Axis library 
(axis-ws4ee.jar) under \client,   and this JAR doesnt seem to support the 
interfaces generated by Axis 1.4 .    

Question is : Does Jboss4.0  support Axis?  if so,  what version ? 

I couuldnt work around the issue,  so I decided to download JBoss WS 1.0.3 GA 
and hope to use it to generate the Java intefaces using it.  but I dont know if 
there is a similar (WSDL to Java) tool I could use.  i'm sure there is,  just 
need to figure out how.  

could someone answer my questions ?  Thanks for any help !

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