As mentioned above I get a NullPointer Exception on line 355 in the method 
getRequestParts in the class SoapHandler:
 private static Map getRequestParts(SOAPElement operationWrapper,
  |       javax.wsdl.Message requestMessage) throws JMSException, SOAPException 
  |     HashMap inputParts = new HashMap();
  |     Name nilName = 
  |         null, BpelConstants.NS_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE);
  |     // iterate through input message parts
  |     Iterator partIt = requestMessage.getParts().values().iterator();
  |     while (partIt.hasNext()) {
  |       Part requestPart = (Part);
  |       // get part accessor from operation wrapper
  |       String partName = requestPart.getName();
  |       SOAPElement partAccessor = XmlUtil.getElement(operationWrapper, 
  |       // BPEL-68 check for xsi:nil                                          
  |       String nilValue = partAccessor.getAttributeValue(nilName);            
           // line  355
  |       if (nilValue == null
  |           || DatatypeUtil.parseBoolean(nilValue) != Boolean.TRUE) {
  |         SOAPElement partValue = getPartValue(partAccessor, requestPart);
  |         // create a dom element with the same name as the operation part
  |         Element inputPart = 
  |             partValue.getLocalName());
  |         // add part to input message
  |         inputParts.put(partName, inputPart);
  |         // copy operation part to input part
  |         XmlUtil.copy(inputPart, partValue);
  |       }
  |       // else: do not copy the operation part
  |     }
  |     return inputParts;
  |   }
The exception is raised because the result of the statement 
XmlUtil.getElement(operationWrapper, partName);
is null. That means that the variable partAccessor is null: 

  | SOAPElement partAccessor = XmlUtil.getElement(operationWrapper, partName);
and the statement 
  | String nilValue = partAccessor.getAttributeValue(nilName);
raises the NullPointerException.

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