hi, I try to config Jboss using sql server as security datasource. The 
datasource is okay when I test it.

The file jboss-web.xml in war file as:

In file login-config.xml, I add following info:

<application-policy name = "todo">   
          <login-module code = 
             flag = "required" >
                  <module-option name = "dsJndiName" 
                  <module-option name = "principalQuery" >select passwd from 
users where login = ? </module-option>
                  <module-option name = "rolesQuery" >select role, 'Roles' from 
user_roles where login  =  ? </module-option>

The I start Jboss and visit the application todo, every time, it reminds me 
input login id and password. But when I input the login id and password get 
from database, It can pass the logn. The application asks for login Id and 
password again and again. But there is no any error message. 

How can I find out the reason for this issue?

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