i cannot understood hitting page directly . if you mean that i am  accessing by 
typing URL in the browser then it works fine it goes to login page(as i am not 
logged in) but when a login and goes to admin page given below and try to 
access the sceretquestion.jsp it still goes to login page.

i have cleared all the navigations from faces-config.xml and i only have one 
action as told before in my pages.xml 

here is my jsf page: 

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"; prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"; prefix="f" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib"; prefix="s" %>

    Administrator Console

         <h:commandButton id="secquestion" value="Secret Question" 
action="/secretquestions.jsp"/>       <h:commandButton id="pricingops" 
value="Pricing Options" action="/pricingoptions.jsp"/>
         <h:commandButton id="organization" value="Organizations" 
         <h:commandButton id="categories" value="Categories" action=""/>
         <h:commandButton id="role" value="Roles" action="/roles.jsp"/>
         <h:commandButton id="privileges" value="Privileges" 
         <h:commandButton id="paymodes" value="Payment Modes" action=""/>
         <h:commandButton id="currencies" value="Currencies" action=""/>


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