Using Seam 1.1.0.GA

Hello Forum,  This is, hopefully, an easy question:

When using @End to end a nested conversation, I found that the conversation was 
not ended when I annotated a method in a superclass. E.g. like so:

  | public class Bean1 {
  |     .....
  |     @End
  |     public String apply() {
  |         doSomething();
  |         return "nonNullOutcome";
  |     }
  |     .....
  | }
  | public class Bean2 extends Bean1 {
  |     .....
  |     public String apply() {
  |         String s = super.apply();
  |          doSomething();
  |          return (s);
  |     }
  |     .....
  | }

If I move the @End to the method in Bean2, it works as expected. My question 
is, is this the correct behaviour?  The docs simply say that any method 
annotated with @End will end the conversation. ( The @End methods do not return 
null or throw exceptions in either case. ).


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