Currently we have some apps deployed to Tomcat and are working on migrating 
those apps to JBoss.  Currently all of our web applications are running on 
Tomcat.  I have a question about how to replicate a useful Tomcat configuration 
in JBoss.

In our CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost directory we are making use of 
context files on our development instances to greatly simplify the development 
process.  Here is an example of one of the files that we have in the 
conf/Catalina/localhost directory.

  | <Context docBase="C:\data\dev\code\myApp\target\myApp"
  |         reloadable="true" 
  |         privileged="true" 
  |         antiResourceLocking="false" 
  |         antiJARLocking="false">
  |           <WatchedResource>WEB-INF/web.xml</WatchedResource>
  |           <WatchedResource>META-INF/context.xml</WatchedResource>
  | </Context>

This effectively causes Tomcat to load the application from the docBase 
directory rather than actually deploying the war file to the webapps directory. 
 This is very useful in our web application development as we can then use 
maven to do things like run maven war:war-resources to copy a changed jsp file 
while the application is live to try out a new jsp file.  This is much much 
faster than copying the war file to the webapps directory.  I have been 
unsuccessful in getting this to work in JBoss.

Is there a section of the Knowledge Base or manual that explains how to set 
something like this up?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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