>From this movie, I can see how Hibernate Tools can be used to reverse engineer 
>a Seam CRUD application based on a database schema.  My main problem is that 
>the Entity beans that it generates aren't always right.  (For example, I have 
>two entities:  Exchange and Country.  There is a Many-To-One relationship 
>between Exchange and Country, and that relationship is OK in the Exchange 
>Entity bean, but the generated Country Entity bean gets a Set member that I do 
>not want because I feel it tightens the coupling.)

seam generate-entities can be used to do a basic reverse engineering, then I 
can tweak the entity bean a bit to my liking.  Then, I'd like to be able to run 
something like seam crud to generate a CRUD interface for the entity.  Is this 
possible?  Is this on the roadmap?

Also, it would be great if seam generate-entities accepted a list of database 
tables rather than having it scan the entire database everytime.

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