
One of our applications has the requirement that the 'edit'/'display details' 
part of an object and the selection list are on the same page (kind of like 
mail clients have it)

When the page is first displayed, the list (via a datamodel) is displayed 
correctly, but once I select an item, the details are displayed correctly and 
based on the role editable. In the list however each line contains the same 
data, the data related to the selected item. The number of lines is correct and 
clicking on another select shows me the data related to that select and all 
lines in the datamodel are filled with the newly selected item. 

For the datatable it does not matter if I use myfaces or icefaces, the 
behaviour is the same. The 'page' is however in an icefaces tab.

Other info:
Seam version: cvs-head
Myfaces 1.1.4 or 1.1.5 (no difference)
Icefaces 1.5.1
Design of the application is identical to the issues example (selectors, 
finders, editors etc..)

- Anybody else seen this?
- Could it be related to the icefaces tabs (I will try, just asking, lots, lots 
of troubles with IceFaces for me, e.g. conversationswitching not working)
- Where or what for should I look in the debug to see what is going on (the 
internals of seem are black box for me)


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