  | @Table(name = "Benutzer")
  | public class User implements Serializable
  | { private long   mSid;
  |   private long   mMandantID;
  |   private String mId;
  |   public User()                             { super(); }
  |   public String getId()             { return mId;  }
  |   public void setId(String pId) { mId = pId;  }
  |   @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
  |   public long getSid()                      { return mSid; }
  |   public void setSid(long pSid)     { mSid = pSid; }
  |   public long getMandantID()        { return mMandantID; }
  |   public void setMandantID(long pMandantID)  { mMandantID = pMandantID; }
  | }
List<User> erg = (List<User>) em.createQuery(
  | "from User where (Id = :uid) and (pwd=:pwd) and (mandantID=:mandantid)")
  | .setParameter ("uid", pUserName).setParameter ("pwd", pPwd).setParameter 
("mandantid", lMandantID).getResultList();
this works, 
mandantID, mandantid insted of MandantID works too
but id insted of Id doesn´t.

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