Hi all,
when I try to create a CMP Entity Bean I get an error:
null value in column xmoid .... could not create entity bean.

xmoid is the PK of the table info_allegato.
Values assigned to xmoid are retrieved from a db sequence 

I'm using JBoss 3.2.3, Postgresql 7.4 according to EJB 2.1 specs
(I'm not up-to-date :-)).

I tried different combinations of xdoclet tags inside 
InfoAllegatoEntityBean.java class with the same bad result :-(

I report java code (and xdoclet tags) related to CMP field 
that maps PK of DB table.

  |  * @ejb.bean name = "InfoAllegatoEntity"
  |  *                   local-jndi-name = "ejb/InfoAllegatoEntity"
  |  *                   type            = "CMP"
  |  *                   display-name    = "InfoAllegato Entity Bean"
  |  *                   description     = "Entity CMP..."
  |  *                   view-type       = "local"
  |  *                   cmp-version     = "2.x"
  |  *                   primkey-field   = "xmoid"
  |  *                           
  |  * @ejb.persistence table-name = "info_allegato"
  |  * 
  |  * @jboss.persistence table-name = "info_allegato" 
  |  *
  |  * @ejb.pk class="java.lang.Integer"
  |  *              generate="false"
  |  *
  |  * @jboss.unknown-pk class = "java.lang.Integer" 
  |  *                   column-name = "xmoid"
  |  *                   jdbc-type = "INTEGER"
  |  *                   sql-type = "INTEGER"
  |  *                   auto-increment = "true"
  |  *
  |  * @jboss.entity-command name = "postgresql-fetch-seq"
  |  *                                    class = 
  |  *
  | /**
  |    * @ejb.create-method 
  |    * @exception = "javax.ejb.CreateException"
  |    */
  | public Integer ejbCreate(String prodotto, Integer idMalf) throws 
javax.ejb.CreateException {
  |   /* I don't set pk field xmoid */
  |   setProdotto(prodotto);
  |   setIdMalf(idMalf);
  |   return null;
  | }
  | /**
  |    * 
  |    * @exception = "javax.ejb.CreateException"
  |    */
  | public void ejbPostCreate(String prodotto, Integer idMalf) throws 
javax.ejb.CreateException {
  | }
  | /**
  |    * @ejb.persistence column-name = "xmoid"
  |    * @ejb.pk-field 
  |    * 
  |    *
  |    * @jboss.column-name = "xmoid"
  |    * @jboss.persistence not-null = "true"
  |    * @jboss.persistence auto-increment = "true"
  |    * 
  |    * @return
  |    */
  | public abstract Integer getXmoid();
  | /**
  |    * @param xmoid
  |    */
  | public abstract void setXmoid(Integer xmoid);

Could anyone tell me if something is wrong in this code ?
Deploy of Entity Bean is ok but when I call create() method
of Entity Bean InfoAllegato I get the error.

Any help is very very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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