I'm using portal v2.4.

The portal is configured to use security.
The user has to logon to the portal when accessing a pate.

I have a portlet that start's up a new window using javascript.
Within this window I'm communicating directly with a servlet/jsp page.

The timeout of the portal is set to 5 minutes.
Every 3 minutes the new created window is refreshing the page using the session 
id of the main portal.

After 5 minutes the portal is flushing the session because it thinks that it 
isn't used anymore.

On the next refresh of the window a http status message 403 -  Access to the 
requested resource has been denied is shown, because of the flush of the 
session done by the portal.

How can I make sure that the portal and the webserver are using the same 
refresh on the session?


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