"lightbulb432" wrote : 
  | 2) In the example's pages.xml there is a no-conversation-view-id attribute 
for the pages element and a conversation-required attribute for some of the 
page elements. I noticed that everytime I access a page with a 
conversation-required, it redirects to the no-conversation-view-id...is this 
the purpose of these two attributes? (i.e. The conversation-required page 
redirects to the no-conversation-view-id page when no conversation exists?)
Yes.  however, it happens when no long-running conversation exists as there 
will ALWAYS be a temporary conversation.  

"lightbulb432" wrote : 
  | 4) When a conversation-required page redirects to the 
no-conversation-view-id page, a conversation starts! (e.g. you enter 
confirm.seam and it forwards to home.seam?cid=1) Why is a conversation starting 
here...I don't see anything in pages.xml or any @Begin to indicate this...
6.1 Seam's conversation model

Again, a temporary conversation != long running conversation.

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