I'm working with JBoss 4.0.5 and the embedded JBoss Web Service support.
I have to expose as web services some functionalities of an existing J2EE 
application with stateful session management, i.e. I've a javax.ejb.Handle 
object which references my session and this handle must be passed to every 
method of the business logic EJBs.
- how can I expose this Handle object to a web service client?
javax.ejb.Handle is not supported by JAX-RPC so I was considering serializing 
this object (e.g. base64 encoding). Is there any better method?

- I serialized my handle object to a file and it's less then 400 bytes: is that 
the average size of a serialized JBoss javax.ejb.Handle?

- is there any standard, implemented by JBoss 4.0.5, for a web service 
I'd like to have my web service client making the following calls:
perform login
request one or more service (each one once or more times)
perform logout

Maybe I'm wrong but I think that my model doesn't fit in BPEL (I can't know in 
advance which and how many services a client will call between login() and 
logout())... Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance,

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