Hi all,

        Around 5 months ago we embarked on a project for one of our major 
clients. While 

doing the design and planning for this project, we came across jboss and some 
of its 

pioneering frameworks such hibernate, seam and the latest ejb 3.0 which was 
just what we 

were looking for. As such, we stared building a web application using these 
frameworks and 

our main aim was to use JBoss Seam and Hibernate to speed up development of the 

using EJB.

While the first phase was hardwork, especially with the initial configs we had 
to make, we 

were satisfied with the way Seam was helping us in the development. Our project 

is as follows:

Models - Entity Beans generated using Hibernate Tools with Annotations

Controllers - This part consisted of two layers :
            - One layer for DataAccessObjects which consisted of SLSB and is 
aimed at 

containing all hibernate specific code that return entities
            - Another layer for Actions which consisted of SLSB and SFSB and is 
aimed at 

interacting with the View layer

View - All JSF/Facelet components

Our approach was to have the the view model fetching information from the 
Action Layer 

which in turn calls the DAO layer when querying DB

We were not too familiar with CONVERSATIONS at that time and implemented our 
SFSB without 

this feature.

While the above approach works fine, we are getting some performance related 
issues :

(1) We get Out of Memory Leaks related to the PermGen Space. We have managed to 
have a 

workaround for this by increasing the MaxPermGen size. However, we fear this 
might only be 

a temporary fix

(2) The application is really slow because of the amount of Session beans that 
are involved 

in it and the amount of code that hibernate autogenerates when fetching 
dependencies. There are no heavy graphics involved.

We would like to know if the above problems can be solved by :

(a) Implementing conversations ( Will this improve response time)

(b) Porting the application to Tomcat running embedded-ejb can improve the 
response time

Any other suggestions are also most welcomed.

We are on a tight deadline and would really appreciate any help on this from 
you experts. 

Best Regards,
Yogesh Jankee,

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