This is an good endorsement!

anonymous wrote : 
  | My impression is that icefaces is great technology, superior to other Ajax 
solutions out there

cross-post on Icefaces Forum

>From MY experience (with Seam):

# Text Entry works ok as long as you don't move too quickly between the fields 
on a multi field form with partial submit "on" as this causes some sort of 
error in the back end and causes either:
**Too many xxxx queued up at the blocking bean (or something like this) from 
**No Long Running Conversation exception from SEAM.
(I have turned off partial-submit, for now, on all text entry fields due to 

Note: A feature of using partial submit is that you have to leave a field for 
it to be validated... which is, initially, quite weired when you are sat with 
your cursor in the last field on a form and are waiting for it to fail 
validation!!!... also makes it really hard to disable the submit button based 
on "all" the fields being valid as again you are sat staring at the cursor in 
the last field wondering why the submit button is not enabled (for now I took 
this code out and never disable the submit button)!

Note:Hitting "enter" from a field to get the form to submit is non-trivial. 
There are few examples on the forum but it has not appeared in the IceFaces 
documentation yet.

# Selection works ok.
# Buttons and Links work ok.
# AutoComplete - Not Used Yet.
# Drag and Drop - Not used yet.
# Calendar now works with very latest build.
# Tree - Not used yet (but will be very very soon!)
# Menu Bar works ok (hard coded.. I think I may know how to make it dynamic now 
I have figured out about what "bindings" are.)
# Effects seem to work ok. (not sure how to do these dynamically)
# Table work great, paged, can filter by header etc. Still not managed to clear 
a defect where you are on page 3 and re-filter so only have 2 pages but are 
left looking at an empty page 3 - even after help in the forums... cant get the 
"binding" code to work.
# File Upload not working yet (so don't know about progress bar yet).
# Charts - Not used yet.
# The Stacking Panel Layout has worked so far (used twice).

Regardless to all this; you get these random errors
**Too many xxxx queued up at the blocking bean (or something like this) from 
**No Long Running Conversation exception from SEAM.
**Conversations just disappearing!

I hope this helps.

Please remember that IceFaces team and Seam Team are meeting this week to 
resolve issues. Expect great results!

Also, I may have my libraries set up incorrectly; have too many/few conflicting 
libraries etc... or my code may be a pile of poo!

Seam doc is excellent (but not for using iceFaces).
IceFaces doc is good, but spread over the Web Site (tutorials, tag library, 
component showcase + text that goes with them), but especially useful:


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