   Previous, I tested the UsersRolesLoginModule inside the jboss.xml. I also 
<security-domain>java:/jaas/DB-Domian</security-domain> but not effect. Then, I 
try used DB-Domain, all things ok.
   Now, I also by your way is 
<security-domain>java:/jaas/DB-Domian</security-domain> and 
<security-domain>DB-Domain</security-domain> but not effect !
   I don't use web server. I write a simple bean and deploy it on the 
"Violon"(hostname) machine. And write the client on the "abc" machine. I am 
using Eclipse to edit my project. When I use Eclipse to packing my bean to .jar 
file. Have two cases:
   1. File ejb-jar.xml inside META-INF, two files "jboss.xml" and 
"login-config.xml" outside META-INF. Any informations (username and passwd) 
that I enter can able call any method on the my bean.
   2. Three file: "ejb-jar.xml", "jboss.xml" and "login.config.xml" inside 
META-INF, I received some messages:
anonymous wrote : Exception in thread "main" javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: 
Authentication failure
anonymous wrote : Caused by: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Missing 
users.properties file.
althought I entered username and passwd correct with my database (Users and 
Roles tables).
have any ideals ? Thanks. 

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