I am trying to run the JBossCache-1.4.1.GA (stand alone-jdk1.5) annotated50 
examples to work.
The strange thing is that the weaving example(build.bat run.aop.example) works 
ok, but the loadtime mode(build.bat run.loadtime.example) doesn't.

I have changed a bit the original StudentMaintTest Test case so it would check 
also the object graph replication.
It seems that the Student's Address attribute isn't getting replicated. 
Any ideas?

  | Here is the code I am testing :
  | package test.examples;
  | import junit.framework.TestCase;
  | import junit.textui.TestRunner;
  | import org.jboss.cache.PropertyConfigurator;
  | import org.jboss.cache.aop.PojoCache;
  | import examples.Address;
  | import examples.Course;
  | import examples.Student;
  | /**
  |  * Driver test to illustrate the sensor netowrk supervising system using 
pojo cache. By using the cache, it will have:
  |  * <ul>
  |  * <li>automatic state fail over</li>
  |  * <li>fine-grained replication</li>
  |  * <li>preservation of object graph relationship</li>
  |  * </ul>
  |  */
  | public class StudentMaintTest extends TestCase {
  |    private Student joe_;
  |    private Student mary_;
  |    private Course foo_;
  |    private Course bar_;
  |    // cache1 and cache2 are in the same clustering group.
  |    private PojoCache cache1_;
  |    private PojoCache cache2_;
  |    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
  |       cache1_ = createCache("TestCluster");
  |       cache2_ = createCache("TestCluster");
  |       init();
  |    }
  |    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
  |       cache1_.remove("/");
  |       cache1_.stop();
  |       cache2_.stop();
  |    }
  |    private PojoCache createCache(String name) throws Exception {
  |       PojoCache tree = new PojoCache();
  |       PropertyConfigurator config = new PropertyConfigurator();   // 
configure the cache through injection
  |        // read in the replSync xml. Here we use synchronous mode 
  |       config.configure(tree, "META-INF/replSync-service.xml");
  |       tree.setClusterName(name); // We can set a different cluster group.
  |       tree.start(); // kick start the cache
  |       return tree;
  |    }
  |    /**
  |     * Populate the propagation tree.
  |     *
  |     * @throws Exception
  |     */
  |    protected void init() throws Exception {
  |       mary_ = new Student();
  |       mary_.setName("Mary Smith");
  |       Address address = new Address();
  |       address.setStreet("456 Oak Drive");
  |       address.setCity("Pleasantville, CA");
  |       address.setZip(94555);
  |       mary_.setAddress(address);
  |    }
  |    public void testPropagation() throws Exception {
  |       // Here we ask the pojo cache to manage mary_ and joe_
  |       cache1_.putObject("/students/54321", mary_);
  |       // Retrieve the pojos from the Server #2
  |       Student mary2 = (Student) cache2_.getObject("/students/54321");
  |       assertEquals(mary2.getName() , mary_.getName());
  |       //here it fails - sinch mary2.address object is null - probably not 
  |       assertEquals(mary_.getAddress().getCity() , 
  |    }
  |    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  |             TestRunner.run(StudentMaintTest.class);
  |    }
  | }

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