anonymous wrote : What I'm trying to tell you is that you have to update the 
DataModel when you change the data.

That works (i.e. calling the factory method to update the DataModel) when the 
Factory method grabs results from the database. But I have a Factory that grabs 
results from another entity that has just been updated.

My DataModel is a collection of entities from another entity. e.g. 
myA.getCollectionOfBs(). My remove method from the DataModel does the following:

  | // em.flush();
  | runFactory();

runFactory() simply does a myA.getCollectionOfBs(), which returns the same set 
of entities (not removing the entity I just got rid of). I tried doing a flush 
where I've commented it out above, but that didn't help.

What can I do to get these changes reflected? (Short of just doing a 
query...shouldn't I be able to get them straight from the entities?)

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